
September TBR — Magical Readathon & Becca’s Bookoplathon

Hiiii! Today I have an exciting post! I’m doing my TBR for the Magical Readathon and Becca’s Bookoplathon that both take place during the entirety of September.

I’m going to do my TBR for the Magical Readathon first. You can find all of the information for it HERE.

The Novice Path Entrance: has a map ++ Ashthorn Tree: a book that keeps tempting you (top of your tbr)=

I’m not sure if either of these has a map since I only have arcs of each but I’m hoping one of them will so it’ll fit the prompt. If not, I’ll use the other for the top of your tbr prompt!

The Mist of Solitude: a standalone

I took out way too many audiobooks out from Hoopla in August so I’m attempting to squeeze in as many as I can into this tbr😅 So here’s my pick for a standalone! Isn’t this cover the cutest?

Ruin of The Skye: ghosts/haunted house or other supernatural elements

This is described as a gothic fantasy which makes me think of ghosts so maybe it has some? Either way it definitely has supernatural elements! And this is an arc so I need to get to it soon.

Obsidian Falls: mystery/thriller—

This one is more historical/fantasy but it does seem to hold a mystery element so… this works😅 It’s an arc I really need to finish so I’m squeezing it in!

Tower of Rumination: a 5 star prediction~

I adore this series so damn much (dystopian with orgies yall its great and book 1 is still free!) and I just know this is bound to be given a high rating by me! So so excited for this book!!

Orilium Academy Arc: a school setting~

sapphic dark academia… Need I say more? 😙

Now for my characters! Yes… multiple. I planned on three but I’m gonna make TBRs for two and go from there🥴

#1. Tem! (Haven’t figured out any specifics for either of these characters yet)


Wildling: set largely in a forest/outside~

I think this has werewolves and I mean mountain is in the title so I’m assuming this one takes place outside! (also another hoopla audio 😂)


Irtheria: features fae/elven characters|

This is book 2 in the Orc Prince trilogy! It’s a m/m fantasy story about an elf prince and orc prince. It’s on KU! Fits this prompt perfectly.


Iltirian: crow on the cover or a red cover~

What would you know… another Hoopla audio that I’m squeezing in😂This was a bonus borrow for August so I have no idea what it is about beyond being historical romance and that it fits the prompt!

#2. Killian


Urban: set in a city or town~

Buff male nanny? Yes please😩 That’s literally all I know about this but again… another hoopla audio hehe. Can’t wait for this! I’ve been wanting to read it foreverrrrr.


Kerador: book from an ongoing series~

Another Hoopla audiobook? Who could’ve guessed! This series is still ongoing so it is a perfect fit for this promot🥳


Elf: moon/stars on the cover~

I still can’t believe that I haven’t read this one yet😭 Really hoping to get it done this September!

That’s it for now for my Magical Readathon TBR! I know I’ll need to do another adventure path if I do two characters, but I’ll figure out that TBR if I get to it.

As for Becca’s Bookoplathon (you can find all of the information for that HERE)

I’m going to do my first roll here and I’ll reroll after each book I finish! Here’s to hoping it’ll fit with the books I’ve chosen for the Magical Readathon! I’m planning on doing 5 rolls for Bookoplathon.

Let’s get into my first roll🥳

Of course I rolled a double first😭 This means I land on the TBR Games prompt. I just decided to look through some people’s September TBR and read the first book that I have on my TBR.

I found Aaron’s September TBR and I have Devil’s Line Volume 1 so that will be my first pick🥳 So happy it was a short book omg

That’s it for this long TBR post!! Come back tomorrow to see a fun new series that I will be starting🤫

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